Thursday, January 27, 2005

Welcome to the Lion Den

HI to U all.. I think this is a good way to stay in constant contact and also keep the latest gossip going. I 've just stumble upon this Blog stuff ( from my kids) and find that we can use this as a platform to develop something for ourselves. Especially when we want to share infomation globally. Well, just a thought that this might develop into some form of a "Northen Lion Forum".
Who knows ???. "
every thousand steps begins with the first".



rodium_plated_pipe said...

Today ... the impossible happen....
A kelisa PFU xxxx literally flew from the street, over a drain hitting a fence and bang on my front side bumper ( driver side )... Result my bumper receded by few cm, orange signal lamp broken, dents on the side skirt and peel-off paint.
Made a police report at Jln Patani. Got the damage assessed and you know what ? ... the 2 workshop said that it's too minor to claim for me as I am claiming thru that PFU's insurance. ???
Now what ??? ..

Anonymous said...

Well done!! Yes, we can learn new things from our kids too, and it's never too late to learn :)

Two lions to tame - must be quite a handful! Good job on the DIY and keep the posts coming and the blog going. I certainly will learn a thing or two from here.

Anonymous said...

more more more !!!! Keep them coming !!!

Anonymous said...

more more more !!!! Keep them coming !!!

Ucup said...

keep it going my fren.... just got my french mpv and been driving it for more than a year already.... would love to read more from u...