Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My People Mover Peugeot 807

Well ... this is my new people mover. It's a Petrol 2.0 GLX model. Kind of a basic model. It comes with D9 engine as with Peugeot 406/407 with 4 speed auto/Triptronic gear and comes with AL4 gearbox. Curtain airbags with auto sliding doors. One need to change the way this baby is driven. Not like a normal car. I need to learn to slow down. This is especially true if you are driving a 405 and a 406. I need to "adapt". But generally the handling for this 807 is not bad actually. Have not really had a chance to really stretch this baby yet.  Anyway here is how it looks. ain't it gorgeous ?


kevinnia said...

wah.. get a new 1.. so how many lion u having now?

ME said...

a sexy mover u got there