It's been awhile since I have update this blog. Hope this new entry will cheer some of you up.
I happen to come across 1 Peugeot 406 ( D8 ) fixed with an additional ATF oil Cooler. The way my friend installed it by using Oil Cooler from Hayden Auto. The web link is here :-
As we all know the No# 1 killer for any auto transmission is HEAT. The Oil cooler that comes with the Peugeot 406 ( D8 ) is kinda small. But from my experience, it is apparently quite efficient and reliable as it is. However, if you still feel there is a need to add another one, please do so as this will definitely provides more cooling effect.![](
Here are the pics I took on my friends installation.
This is how it is installed. Kinda neat place to be. There are ample room to place this oil cooler. I believed if this is installed at the front air intake, the cooling effect will be much more efficient. This installation is in series with the original 406 cooler. So now he has 2 oil cooler. One is water cooled and the other is air cooled.
This is the Original installed oil Cooler that comes with the car. It is actually sealed. Noticed the coolant intake and outlet ? This is water cooled oil cooler.
If you intend to use the original Oil cooler in series to the new one, you will need to do some modification to the unit. You will need to drill open this unit to allow the ATF to flow out to the Hayden Oil Cooler and return. How this is done is to drill 2 holes. One for the outflow and one for the inflow. You will need to weld it with pipelike fabrication so as to allow the hose to secure the outlet and the inlet.
So here you have it.